
Temperature Sensor HQ Digital Temperature sensor (internal and external optional)
Temperature Range -30°C to +70°C (–40°C to +90°C with ext. T Sensor)
(-80°C to +200°C with ext. PT100 Sensor)
Temperature Accuracy ±0.3°C (at –20°C to + 40°C, other 0.5°C)
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C
Humidity Sensor HQ Digital Temperature/rel. Humidity sensor (internal and external optional)
Humidity Range 0%rH to 100%rH
Humidity Accuracy ±3%rH (20 to 80%rH), 5% others (at 25°C)
Humidity Resolution 0.1%rH
Data Storage 60,000 values
Display Big Multifunction LCD
Start Setting Manually by pressing button, by software or timed
Recording Time Up to 6 months
Interval 10sec. up to 11h 59min. (default 10 min.)
Alarm Settings up to 6 points temperature and 2 Points humidity customizable
Alarm Type Single alarm or cumulative
Battery CR2450 / replaceable by customer
Dimensions 100 x 53 x 12 mm
Weight 54g
Protection Class IP65
Connection Interface USB 2.0, A-Type
Conformity EN 12830, CE, RoHS
Software PDF or CSV reader or tempbase 2 software / free download
Interface to PC integrated USB port
Reprogrammable Yes, with internal HTML tool* or optional tempbase 2 Software
Automatic Reporting PDF & CSV

*** All External Probes sold separately ***

tempmate.®-M2 External T-Sensor
Sensor HQ Digital Temperature Sensor
Temperature Range –40°C to +90°C
Temperature Accuracy 0.3°C (at –20 ° C to + 40 ° C, other 0.5°C)
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C
Sensor Tip Stainless Steel (30 x 5 mm)
Sensor Connection M2-USB Connection
Cable length 1.2 m
Cable Diameter 3 mm
Cable Material PVC

tempmate.®-M2 External T/rH-Sensor
Sensor HQ Digital Temperature/rel. Humidity Sensor
Temperature Range –40°C to +90°C
Temperature Accuracy 0.3°C (at –20 ° C to + 40 ° C, other 0.5°C)
Temperature Resolution 0,1°C
Humidity Range 0 – 100 %rH
Humidity Accuracy ±3%rH (10% to 70%), 5% others (at +25°C)
Humidity Resolution 0.1 %rH
Sensor Tip Stainless Steel (30 x 5 mm)
Sensor Connection M2-USB Connection
Cable length 1.2 m
Cable Diameter 3 mm
Cable Material PVC

tempmate.®-M2 External T-Sensor
Temperature Sensor PT100 Sensor
Temperature Range -80°C to +200°C
Temperature Accuracy ±1°C
Temperature Resolution 0,1°C
Sensor Tip Stainless Steel (30 x 5 mm)
Sensor Connection M2-USB Connection
Cable Diameter 3 mm
Cable length 1.2 m
Cable Material PTFE